>Sunday, May 25th (afternoon)Marsh, Listen!!I got it, Marsha. What's that Greek word? Eureka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Listen. OK, after writing earlier, I wanted to go for a bike ride just toget out, and because Daddy has to be doing dialysis center things untilthis. "Don't say anymore," she pleaded."Do I have to?" No, I didn't have to. She was an intelligent girl. Thatwas one of the reasons I so swiftly come to love her.The princess' face had drained white, but I had done what mere decencyhad demanded. This brutal lesson was intended to teach Arielle aboutthe faithlessness of friends. A future queen had to know that nonearound her might be trusted. This must cause her pain, I realized, butwhat does not kill us makes us stronger. If I could not be with her.Read More