ask for it by name I. chimed in. "Analysis complete. Since the repairs that have been started, it is estimated that ship A.I. can now begin repairs to fifteen of the thirty systems. These do not include weapons, light and energy shields, trans-warp, and hyper engines. Those will require work on the actual outer sections." "We have no weapons at all?" Trianas said incredulously. "We have lost all plasma weapons, most energy weapons also torpedo launchers have lost power. Light screen is holding at fifty five. Police checked every lead, searches were conducted, people interrogated, personal files investigated. Not a trace. No goodbye note, no ransom demands, no body. Nothing.After a month, the media stopped bothering with the story. After two months the police considered the girl lost.Fred and Mary, both doctors at the West Memorial hospital tried everything to find out even a sliver about there daughter's whereabouts or her fate. Eventually all regular options were depleted. In desperation, they.Read More